PAIS welcomes the expulsion of Israeli observer to the AU summit

Pan-African Institute for Socialism

Pan-African Institute for Socialism

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Read Time:1 Minute, 9 Second

The Pan-African Institute for Socialism welcomes the removal of the Israeli observer from the proceedings of the African Union.

Ambassador Sharon Bar-Li was “asked to leave” having not been invited to the meeting.

Israel continues to flout international law and human rights conventions. As an abnormal society, isn’t entitled to normal diplomatic access. Israel’s discrimination against the Palestinian people is institutionalised and the right wing government of Israel has concretized the prejudice by passing various laws that police the movement of Palestinians, revoke the protections of citizenship, and make illegal land seizures permanent.

Further, for the Israeli Foreign Ministry to label the sovereign states of Algeria and South Africa as “extremist” states who are”driven by hate” and “controlled by Iran” is sadly telling. It is a projection of its own government’s hollowed out rightwing vassal state of US imperialism. African nations can act of their own accord, guided by what is right, fair, and legal.

African nations know the whip hand of the colonizer; the Spanish, the British, the Portuguese, the Italian, the Belgian, the French, the German, and others. The historical wounds and legacy of colonialism, and the contemporary scourge or neocolonialism. The Palestinian people are colonized, and brutalized by the Israeli government. It is a deep discomfort for Africans to make common cause with oppressors.

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