“I am not African because I was born in Africa but because Africa was born in me.” “The forces that unite us are intrinsic and greater than the superimposed influences that keep us apart.” – Kwame Nkrumah
The Pan-African Institute for Socialism (PAIS) aims to contribute to building socialism across the African continent. PAIS is a non-sectarian space for socialists to discuss, debate, research, and plan to chart a path out the exploitation and the oppression we currently face on the African continent, which is the legacy of imperialism, slavery, and colonialism, and to combat the pervasive socio-economic ills, caused by capitalism.
We are in an epoch of geopolitical realignment. Learning from the lessons of past organisations such as the Non-Aligned Movement of the Cold War Era, Africa must take advantage of current shifts in global power dynamics, display more agency, and take the lead in working towards a common vision for Africans on the continent and in the diaspora.
PAIS is a think tank and a platform that builds upon the vision of Pan-Africanists, Marxists, Socialists, Trade Unionists, Activists, and the Working Class to achieve meaningful change through socialism.
The following are key areas of work within PAIS:
- Promote progressive and socialist ideas and thinking
- Educate and develop progressive and socialist cadres and leaders
- Promote socialist parties in African countries
- Promote trade unionism and trade union unity
- Promote women’s rights and Gender Equality
- Build co-operatives
- International solidarity
- Mobilise around key campaigns such as for land, for jobs and for progressive policies
PAIS has developed relationships and networks with a variety of formations throughout the African continent and the Global South. We are part of a global working class, Pan-Africanist socialist project. The non-sectarian nature of the space we are creating helps to formulate the minimum program of action by the Left to advance the socialist agenda.
Our current programs
To build alliances and networks of left political parties, trade unions and popular movement across the continent to work in a unified manner on a basic program of action centred around core issues affecting the working class of our continent.
We are building awareness of and lobbying against the rescission of the Zimbabwean Exemption Permits, a draconian measure that would see tens of thousands of people of Zimbabwean origin deported from South Africa.
In South Africa we are working on a program to develop a task team and a commission of inquiry to be set up in South Africa to investigate political and police complicity in political assassination of activist, especially in relation to Abahlali BaseMjondolo, the shack dwellers movement from KwaZulu-Natal
Popular education programs in the forms of seminars, workshops, public events, research reports and the use of other types of platforms to debate and discuss issues affecting the working class across the African continent will be central to our program at PAIS.
Current areas of academic research
Who Owns Africa? An analysis of the foreign and neo-colonial interests in African resources and infrastructure.
A study of the political economy of Apartheid and Post-Apartheid South Africa.
A study on the socio-economic conditions of African women across sub-Saharan Africa.
An ongoing research project highlighting the role of socialism on the African continent.
Producing and developing content on the history of socialism in Africa.
Our team
Our team

Dr Phillip Dexter
Dr Phillip Dexter is a political activist. He is the former General Secretary of the National Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU), a former member of the Central Committee of the South African Communist Party, a former member of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress, and served as a MP in the first and the fourth democratically elected parliaments of post-apartheid South Africa.

Roscoe Palm
Roscoe Palm has headed communications strategy for socialist political movements and candidates around the world, including Congressional primaries in the United States, campaign support for candidates in the UK, and South Africa.